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YOUR MIND™ Zone Comes Alive.
Exercise to open up your model of mind.

1. Decide what you want, Desired State, DS, to be (your Outcome) by designing the Vision of Success using the 5 well-formed conditions of NLP.

2. "Go inside" your mind to what we call "The MIND™ Zone" and access the expanse of the mind. Take a Look from present state to what you want, Desired State. Then, take a seat or "step back" to a more neutral position to the Back of the Mind (onlooker/observer position - 3rd position) and take a look at your self out there in the middle of the mind.

3. Then, take a look out in front of you at your Mind Screen, like it’s a big Movie Theater Screen of the mind, the Mind Screen.

4. Now from PS to DS, design the Sequence of Success on the Mind Screen, unfold it step by step, identifying the resources, states, strategies & skills (RSSS) and the Identity, Values, Intentions, Beliefs, Emotions & Skills/Behaviors (IVIBES™) it will take in order for you to achieve Desired State, what you want. Draw upon past successes, similar outcomes or models of excellence.

5. From the beginning now, run through the Sequence of Success again, as if it were a movie. Go from Present State, PS to Desired State, DS, towards your Vision of Success, with the RSS and IVIBES of excellence that you require, those that will INSPIRE you to go for it. Along the way, identify any Additions or Editions to be made towards DS, anything that you would like to add or change that would make it even more pleasurable or satisfying. If you would like to make any changes, go ahead and re-run the Sequence of Success having made the additions/editions, the changes you designed.

6. Now, check for Ecology, if it is good for you & the ones you love or care about. Ask yourself: Is there any part of me that has any objection to me achieving this DS or Vision of Success? Is what I’ve designed okay, acceptable or satisfactory to all of me? Good enough for me? IS IT ECO-LOGICAL?

7. If okay/Satisfactory, then do Success Conditioning now. Go through the Sequence of Success several times on the Mind Screen from PS to DS, beginning to end. Observe the sequence closely attending to whether it is smooth or pleasing. REPEAT TO COMPLETE!

If not okay, return to step 4 and make the needed additions/editions of RSSS, IVIBES that would make it more pleasing & satisfactory. Check it again for ecology. Keep repeating step 4-8 until you do achieve DS, What you want (your Outcome).

(OPTIONAL: If none, then go ahead and bring it off the screen into the middle of the mind. Then, Step into it, fully associate by looking through your eyes, (first person) three dimensionally surrounding yourself with the experience. See what you see, hear what you hear, feel what you feel, do what you do and view what you view. Run through the entire experience from beginning to end associating to how it feels and whether or not you believe you can achieve it/do it.)

8. Now, Envision your timeline from where you are now, PS, to where you want to be, DS.

Then, look forward, out into the future, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months to a year. Is the effect on you/your life positive & productive? Is your life or relationship the way you want it to be? If so, exit and return to neutral, clear and center, normal awakened awareness. Come back fully Alive. Ready to create or co-create the life you desire, the relationship you require, etc.

If not okay, return to step 4 and make the needed additions/editions of RSSS, IVIBES that would make it more pleasing & satisfactory. Check it again for ecology. Keep repeating step 4-8 until you do achieve Desired State, What you want.

Elvis Keith Lester utilizes this pattern in his program "Enhance My Romance" and Optimum Weight NOW and has done so for the last 10 years with great success.
Enhance My Romance on-line

Copyright 1994-2008, Elvis Keith Lester, ExecuLearn® - All rights reserved in all media. Reproduction prohibited without written permission.

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